I am currently in the process of making changes to multiple machines via a batch file which i need to roll out via LANDesk.
The batch file is pushed out to the machines fine and is stored in the cache folder on the client machine and the success message returned is "Done, Requires Reboot".
The problem is, the batch file is never actually run on the client machine even though LANDesk states it was succesful. Even after a reboot, no changes are made to the PC by the batch file. I am using a custom push deployment method that ignores bandwidth restrictions and rolls out to 200 machines at a time.
The batch file is simple and is as follows...
@echo off cls
REM Remove 8i Path Variables and add Oracle 9i Path variable U:\Uniform7\clients\ORA9XP\reg.exe @U:\Uniform7\clients\ORA9XP\local.ri
REM Insert 9i registry entries %SystemRoot%\regedit /s U:\Uniform7\clients\ORA9XP\regfiles\ORAODBC.reg
REM Create Temp folder for Uniform md c:\uniform md c:\uniform\temp
REM Pauses the batch process by 2 seconds PING -n 2 -w %1000 >NUL
exit |
Any help you can provide me would be great.