A simple compiled AutoIT script that reads a registry key and is to write the results out to a text file works just fine when locally executed, but when pushed as an exe package will not work. What am I missing?
Extract of key script components:
Check Novell Version.au3
Check the version of the Novell Client for Windows installed.
If less than the current version, write a log file of the PC and version number.
Why this way? LANDesk shows "Unknown" on the version when queried,
but a direct regread gets the info.
AutoIT version 3 script
; Initialization of variables:
$ShortVersion = ""
$CurrentVersion = 4.91
$file0 = ""
$file1 = ""
$file2 = ""
$PC = ""
$NovellRegistryKey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Novell"
; Get the PC Name:
$PC = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters", "Hostname")
; Alternate Key: $PC = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ActiveComputerName", "ComputerName")
; Check for the simple version number:
$ShortVersion = RegRead( $NovellRegistryKey, "CurrentVersion")
If $ShortVersion = "" Then
; MsgBox(0, "Novell Client Version", "Novell Registry Key " & $NovellRegistryKey & " Does Not Exist", 5)
; Open output file to record PC name and old version number:
$file0 = FileOpen("\\adfs1\shared\DPI-WIDE\SHORTERM\CheckNovellClient-NoKey.txt", 1) ; open for append
; Check if file opened for reading OK
If $file0 = -1 Then
; MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open log file.",10)
Else ; Write the PC number and message into a text file for analysis later:
FileWriteLine($file0, $PC & " " & "Novell Registry Key " & $NovellRegistryKey & " Does Not Exist" & @CRLF)
If $ShortVersion <> $CurrentVersion Then ; If the installed version is different than current, log it:
; Open output file to record PC name and old version number:
$file1 = FileOpen("\\adfs1\shared\DPI-WIDE\SHORTERM\CheckNovellClient-NotCurrent.txt", 1) ; open for append
; Check if file opened for reading OK
If $file1 = -1 Then
; MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open log file.",10)
Else ; Write the PC number and version number into a text file for analysis later:
FileWriteLine($file1, $PC & " " & $ShortVersion & @CRLF)
Else ; Version is current, so log it to a different file, just to see what we get:
; Open output file to record PCs and current or higher versions:
$file2 = FileOpen("\\adfs1\shared\DPI-WIDE\SHORTERM\CheckNovellClient-Current.txt", 1) ; open for append
; Check if file opened for reading OK
If $file2 = -1 Then
; MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open log file.",10)
Else ; Write the PC number and version number into a text file for analysis later:
FileWriteLine($file2, $PC & " " & $ShortVersion & @CRLF)